
Scientific publications

Rudberg, P.M. 2025. Samarbete och samsyn i samverkan inom nationell plan för omprövning av vattenkraftverk [Cooperation and joint vision in collaboration as part of the national plan for hydropower reviews]. CRS Uppsala University

Inga, K., Rudberg, P. M., Klocker Larsen, R. 2024. Sámi trust in hydropower governance: a survey study. Environmental Science & Policy, 162

Rudberg, P.M., Karpouzoglou, T. 2022. Using adaptive capacity to shift absorptive capacity: a framework of water reallocation in highly modified rivers. Water, 14 (2), 193

Voogd, R., Rudberg, P.M., de Vries, J.R., et al. 2022. A systematic review on the role of trust in the water governance literature. Water Research X, 16

Rudberg, P.M., Čengić, S., Lolić, S., Čaušević, A., Pedegimas, B. 2022. Water in the environmental strategy and action plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina – BiH ESAP 2030+. 3rd BiH Water Congress, p. 145-155

Rudberg, P.M. 2021. Adaptive governance of rivers: all about the capacity to reallocate water? Presentation at the US National Council for Science and the Environment Drawdown 2021 Conference

Rudberg, P.M. 2020. Sweden’s national plan for hydropower permit reviews, its biggest river governance overhaul in 100 years? INBO Newsletter 28, p. 46

Rudberg, P.M. 2020. Governance of river restoration and hydropower in Sweden: insight with relevance for the Iberian Peninsula? XI Iberian Congress of Water Management and Planification, p. 1131-1141

Rudberg, P. M. 2018. Can we solve it in the workshop? Learning in river restoration and climate policy implementation. Wageningen University

Rudberg, P. M., Smits, M. 2018. Learning-based intervention for river restoration: analyzing the lack of outcomes in the Ljusnan River basin, Sweden. Ecology and Society, 23 (4): 13

Rudberg, P. M., Escobar M., Gantenbein J., Niiro N. 2015. Mitigating the adverse effects of hydropower projects: a comparative review of river restoration and hydropower regulation in Sweden and the United States. Georgetown Environmental Law Review, 17, no, 2

Klum, M., Klum M., Rudberg P.M., Stelander F., Jewert J. 2014. De svenska älvarna och vattenkraften [The Swedish Rivers and Hydropower]. Popular science film by Stockholm Environment Institute and Tierra Grande Films

Rudberg, P. M. 2013. Sweden’s evolving hydropower sector: renovation, restoration and concession change. Stockholm Environment Institute

Rudberg, P. M., Weitz N., Dalen K., and Kielland Haug J. J. 2013. Governing growing wind power: policy coherence of wind power expansion and environmental considerations in Sweden, with comparative examples from Norway. Stockholm Environment Institute

Rudberg, P. M., Wallgren O., Swartling Å. G. 2012. Beyond generic adaptive capacity: exploring the adaptation space of the water supply and wastewater sector of the Stockholm region, Sweden. Climatic Change, 114: 707-721

Nilsson, M., Zamparutti T., Petersen J-E, Nykvist B., Rudberg P. M., McGuinn J. 2012. Understanding policy coherence: analytical framework and examples of sector-environment policy interactions in the EU. Environmental Policy and Governance, 22: 395–423

Rudberg, P. M. 2011. Constant concessions under changing circumstances: the water and renewable energy directives and hydropower in Sweden. Stockholm Environment Institute

Rudberg, P.M., Nilsson M. 2011. Reducing our emissions while achieving good status of our water bodies – is it possible? Swedish hydropower in the limelight. World Renewable Energy Conference 2011, Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, No. 57, p. 2690-2696

Rudberg, P. M. 2010. Furthering the understanding of the adaptation space of organizations: A case study of adaptation to climate change within the water supply and waste water sector of the Stockholm Region. Stockholm Environment Institute

Rudberg, P. M. 2009. Klimatförändringar – dags att anpassa sig [Climate change – time to adapt?]. Regional Planning Office, Stockholm County

Debate articles

Rudberg, P.M. 2025. Mer samverkan ingen universallösning för vattenkraftens svåra avvägningar. Altinget Debatt

Rudberg, P.M., Widén, Å., Calles, O., Malm-Renöfält, B., Jansson, R. 2024. Ensidigt fokus på riskerna för vattenkraften. Altinget Debatt

Rudberg, P.M. 2022. Avvägningarna mellan flera pågående kriser kan inte pausas. DN Debatt replik

Rudberg, P.M., 2015. USA slår Sverige på punkt efter punkt. SvD Brännpunkt

Rudberg, P.M., Klum, M., Nilsson, C., Rockström, J. 2014. Motiverat att jämföra med USA. SvD Brännpunkt replik

Rudberg, P.M., Granit, J., Klum, M., Nilsson, C., Rockström, J. 2014. Gör vattenkraften verkligt miljömässig. SvD Brännpunkt

Rudberg, P.M. 2013. Så gör vattenkraften lika mycket energi med mindre vatten. Aktuell Hållbarhet Debatt

Rudberg, P.M., Nilsson, M. 2011. Ny fond kan rädda fisken i älvarna. SvD Brännpunkt


Rudberg, P.M. 2024. Limiting the extent the extreme is transformed into catastrophic. BiH SuTra